Monthly assessments and fees. The following water service assessments and fees are hereby imposed and shall be collected from the persons owning property receiving water service from the Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Company: As per the Articles of Incorporation and the Company’s By-Laws.
Single Family Residential (SFR)
$2.00 per 2500 sq of lot area $79.00 for each ADU
Duplex-Individual (DPLX-Individual)
$94.00 per unit
$2.00 per 2500 sq of lot area each unit is charged half of the lot fee
Duplex-Joint (DPLX-Joint)
$2.00 per 2500 sq of lot area
Multifamily Residential (MFR)
$79.00 per unit
Single Room Occupancy Facilities (SRO)
$2.00 per 2500 sq $74.00 for each bedroom beyond 3
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Institutional (INST)
$2.00 per 2500sq a full or part-time living unit on the parcel it is charged an additional $94.00
Commercial (COMM)
The Base Rate for COMM is $134.00 and there is no Lot Rate.
Various surcharges exist for Commercial Accounts. There are:
Vacant (Availability Charge)
$44.00 per vacant unit
Fire Hydrant/Meter Flow Test
Permit for Fire Flow Residential
Permit for Fire Flow Commercial
Fire Flow Services Commercial 1 1/2’ To 3”
$30.00 plus meter charge
Fire Flow Services Commercial 3 1/2’ To 4”
$35.00 plus meter charge
Fire Flow Services Commercial 4 1/2’ To 5”
$40.00 plus meter charge
Fire Flow Services Commercial 5 1/2’ To 6”
$45.00 plus meter charge
Fire Flow Services Residential 1”
Any use not provided for herein shall be established by the Board of Directors.
1. Where combinations of uses are involved, the charge for each applicable use shall be added together for total monthly rate.
2. BILLING PERIOD. The regular billing period will be monthly.
3. OPENING AND CLOSING BILLS. Opening and closing bills for less than the normal billing period shall be prorated.
4. PAYMENT OF BILLS. Bills for water service shall be mailed or delivered to each customer as soon as convenient following the billing period of which the bill is rendered. Bills shall be due and payable on presentation.
5. PENALTIES FOR NON-PAYMENT. In addition to the discontinuance of service as established by Resolution No. 2001, the rights to water service may also be forfeited as provided in the bylaws of the company. The cost to reinstate rights to water service after a recorded Notice of Forfeiture shall be eight hundred five dollars ($805.00).
6. DELINQUENCY DATE. Rates and charges that are not paid in full are delinquent 30 days after presentation.
7. LATE FEE / INTEREST CHARGES. Late Fee in the amount of $10.00 or interest charges at the rate of 1½%, whichever is greater per month shall be added to all delinquent accounts.
8. RECONNECTION/DISCONNECTION CHARGE. A reconnection charge of two hundred thirty-five dollars ($235.00) in addition to all delinquent charges, interest charges and required security deposits will be made and collected prior to renewing service following discontinuance as per what the law requires.
9. SERVICE CONNECTIONS. Charges for new services are payable in advances and shall include the impact fee established by Resolution No. 2001 plus the cost of installation of water service. The cost of installation of water service shall be the actual cost of labor and materials plus administrative costs. The applicant shall deposit with the company the cost of such installation estimated by the manager but not less than two thousand five hundred ($2,500.00). Should company expenses at any time exceed the deposit, the manager shall require an additional deposit prior to proceeding with the installation. Any excess shall be refunded to the applicant.
10. FIRE SERVICE CONNECTIONS. Requires owner to apply for a permit for such service and pay the cost of permit per fees rate charges to services whether residential or commercial are payable in advance and shall include the appropriate impact fee established by Resolution No. 2001 plus the cost of installation of FIRE FLOW water service. The cost of installation of FIRE FLOW water service shall be the actual cost of labor and materials plus
administrative costs. The applicant shall deposit with the company the cost of such installation estimated by the manager but not less than three thousand five hundred-five ($3,505.00). Should company expenses at any time exceed the deposit, the manager shall require an additional deposit prior to proceeding with the installation. Any excess shall be refunded to the applicant.
11. SECURITY DEPOSIT. A minimum cash deposit of one hundred seventy dollars ($170.00) shall be required of each applicant for water service. For good cause, the manager may require a security deposit in excess of the minimum cash deposit for an applicant or user, but not to exceed six-month’s charges for water service.
12. REPLACEMENT OR CHANGE OF DEPOSIT. The manager of the company may require, as a condition of service at any time, that the deposit prescribed be replaced if the deposit or indebtedness to the company or may require that the deposit be increased if depleted, found to be insufficient, or good cause otherwise exists.
13. CHANGE IN LOCATION OR SERVICES. Services moved for the convenience of the customer will be relocated at the customer’s expense. Services moved to protect the company’s property will be moved at its expense.
14. DAMAGE TO WATER SYSTEM FACILITIES. The customer shall be liable for any damage and the resultant water loss to the company owned customer water service facilities when such damage results from causes originating on the premises, including tampering. The costs for repairing any such damage and water loss shall be paid by the customer, and the cost shall be due and payable to the company upon the company’s rendering a
bill thereof.
15. TEMPORARY DISCONNECTION. Customers desiring temporary disconnect of service should so notify the Manager two (2) days prior to the temporary disconnection. The temporary disconnection charge of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be paid to the company prior to such disconnection.
16. RETURNED CHECKS. The charge to a customer for each check returned for insufficient funds shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00)
17. INTEREST ON DEPOSIT. No interest shall be paid on any deposit made with the company pursuant to the provisions of the company’s rules, regulations, and resolutions.
18. AVAILABILITY CHARGES. Charges are to recover the cost of providing fire protection to undeveloped parcels.
The classification of users is as follows:
Dwelling Unit
Single Family Residential (SFR)
Duplex-Individual (DPLX-Individual)
Duplex-Joint (DPLX-Joint)
Multifamily Residential (MFR)
Single Room Occupancy Facilities (SRO)
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Institutional (INST)
Commercial (COMM)
Vacant (VAC)
The definitions for each of these classifications are as follows: It is to be noted that these definitions are taken from the City of East Palo Alto Development Code, Title 18; and have been modified to reflect the unique characteristics of PAPMWC water customers.
Dwelling Unit
An area within a structure on a single parcel (One Assessor’s Parcel Number – APN) that contains separate or independent living facilities for one or more persons with area or equipment for sleeping, sanitation, and food preparation and with independent exterior access or through an interior connection from a communal living area.
Single Family Residential (SFR)
A structure containing one dwelling unit and located on a single APN occupied by one housekeeping unit whose members may be related or unrelated. For purposes of these rate calculations, a SFR shall be limited to 3 full bathrooms or 3 full bathrooms and 2 one-half bathrooms
Duplex (DPLX)
A structure containing two dwelling units and located on a single APN with each housekeeping unit separately and having separate access. Typically, each unit has a separate address or unit designation. For the purposes of these rate calculations, a DPLX shall be limited to 2 full bathrooms or 2 full bathrooms and 1 one-half bathrooms.
For purposes of the 2022 rate study, two classifications of duplexes are used. If each duplex unit is billed separately, the duplex is classified as “Duplex – Individual Bill”. If both units are billed to the same person, the duplex is classified as “Duplex – Joint Bill”.
Multi-Family Residential (MFR)
A structure containing three or more dwelling units on a single APN each of which is for occupancy by one or more persons as a single housekeeping unit and having separate access. Typically, each unit has a separate address or unit designation.
Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Facilities
A multiple tenant structure with individual residential rooms. Individual rooms do not have unique access but are rather accessed through a communal area. The first 3- bedroom/3-bathroom combinations are treated as a SFR and each additional bedroom beyond 3 is treated as a MFR unit. The term SRO replaces the previously used “Boarding House” category.
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
An attached or detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family on which it is situated. An ADU may be billed separately, or it may be billed together with the SFR on the same parcel. In addition to the above, some SFR have an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on the same APN.
A structure on a single APN that provides meeting or instructional space for groups of individuals (e.g., schools, clubs, churches, etc.). If there is a full-time or part-time living space it would be considered a separate SFR.
Commercial (COMM)
A non-residential facility used for various for-profit enterprises (markets, restaurants, laundromats, etc.). The distinction between MFR and SRO is there are separate kitchen facilities for a MFR, and cooking facilities and sometimes bathrooms, are shared in an SRO.
Vacant (VAC)
A parcel (APN) that has a membership, but no structure on it.